Flu, Colds, Seasonal Colds Theresa Shank Flu, Colds, Seasonal Colds Theresa Shank

Philly dietitian shares best defenses against flu season

The winter months are filled with many fun activities — snowboarding, skiing, sitting by the fire with a good bottle of wine. But, as with most things, there is a downside — the dreaded flu season. Whether it’s the flu itself, or just a common cold, many of us find ourselves spending the inclement season battling to maintain our health.  Though there are recommended preventive measures one can take to protect against the flu — flu shot, anyone? — there still exists no single 100 percent non-fallible solution so we should take all the help we can get. While no diet remedy or nutritional supplement has been scientifically-proven to effectively prevent the flu, here are five nutritional tips that may help boost your immune system.

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